
Ondřej Ševčík - 7 Diet Meals

How To Make Chicken Skewers In The Oven | Low Fat & High Protein Chicken Skewers Baked In The Oven

How To Make Chicken Skewers In The Oven | Low Fat & High Protein Chicken Skewers Baked In The Oven
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How To Make Chicken Skewers In The Oven | Low Fat & High Protein Chicken Skewers Baked In The Oven


    2-3 chicken breasts
    1/2 large onion or 1 medium
    1/2 red bell pepper
    1 low fat and high in meat pork sausage
    Garlic powder
    Sweet paprika


  1. 1. First prepare all the ingredients
  2. 2. Chop them all into similar chunks
  3. 3. Chop onion and separate all the layers
  4. 4. Chop red bell pepper
  5. 5. Chop sausage
  6. 6. Chop chicken breast
  7. 7. Sprinkle chicken with salt, pepper, garlic powder and sweet paprika
  8. 8. Thread everything onto metal skewers
  9. 9. Chicken - Red Bell Pepper - Onion - Chicken - Sausage - Onion - Repeat
  10. 10. Spread evenly full skewers on baking tray and bake at 220°C/430°F for 20 minutes (or up to 30 minutes for bigger chunks of meat)
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How To Make Chicken Skewers In The Oven | Low Fat & High Protein Chicken Skewers Baked In The Oven

Cooking chicken on skewers is another very delicious and healthy way how to prepare a chicken breast. Great thing is that you don't need to add any extra fat when making chicken skewers.

Making chicken skewers in oven is very easy. You will just need wooden or metal skewers. When you are putting skewers together try to put some veggies between each chunk of meat, I have used onions and red bell pepper which is classic Czech Recipe, traditional recipe is also putting bacon and mustard between onions and chicken but I've wanted to make recipe high in protein and low in fat so I've used low fat pork sausage instead of bacon.

Chicken skewers
Chicken skewers

In video you will see how to make chicken skewers in the oven but they can be also easily grilled or BBQ outside I would grill them at least 6-7 minute from each side or you can use only chicken breast, add little bit of turmeric and other Indian spices and serve it together with peanut sauce to get delicious chicken satay recipe.

I believe that you will like my baked chicken skewers!