
Ondřej Ševčík - 7 Diet Meals

Scrambled Eggs With Sweetness! The Taste of Apple and Honey

Scrambled Eggs With Sweetness! The Taste of Apple and Honey
Low Carb

Scrambled Eggs With Sweetness! The Taste of Apple and Honey


    3 eggs
    1/2 of apple
    1 teaspoon of honey


  1. 1. Slice the apple around the core
  2. 2. Cut apple into thin slices
  3. 3. Heat tablespoon of butter
  4. 4. Fry sliced apple on medium heat for about 5 minutes
  5. 5. Add cinnamon and honey
  6. 6. After 5 minutes whisk 3 eggs and add them into pan
  7. 7. Keep stiring/folding until eggs are done
  8. 8. Enjoy delicious sweet scrambled eggs :-)
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Scrambled Eggs With Sweetness! The Taste of Apple and Honey

Scrambled eggs are a busy cook's best friend. They can be thrown together for a quick, nutritious dinner or lingered over at a leisurely brunch. Because eggs are so affordable they are a great meal to families on a budget. The great thing about scrambled eggs is that they can be decorated by adding sliced shallots or fresh vegetables.

You can even top scrambled eggs with your choice sauce and have an elegant Scrambled Eggs Benedict. Here you are watching the video of sweet scrambled eggs recipes with an apple and honey. This is a very simple and healthy dish. Eggs can be considered as a healthy and a tasty food that can be used to prepare many delicious meals.

Scrambled eggs with apple
Scrambled eggs with apple

It is a great breakfast packed with good quality protein, fiber, slow digesting carbs and good quality fats. It will be a beneficial video clip for you to improve your cooking skill.